Go to Transactions in the left sidebar and you will see two options for manually keying payments in USAePay, Simple Charge and New Order.
Simple Charge
Use the Simple Charge screen for one-time credit card sales you want to process quickly only entering the information that is required to make a payment.
- Charge Amount = total amount to charge the cardholder (including tax if applicable)
- Tax Amount (optional) = the portion of the Charge Amount that is sales tax. This is for reporting purposes only.
- Cardholder Name = enter the name as it appears on their card
- Credit Card Number = enter the full 16-digit card number (no dashes or spaces)
- AVS Street = enter the street address of the billing address associated with the card
- AVS Zip = enter the zip code of the billing address associated with the card
- Expiration Date = enter the card expiration date in MMYY format
- CVV = enter 3-digit security code on the back of the card (4-digits for Amex)
- (Optional) Use the down arrow to reveal additional fields that are available but not required such as company name, customer ID, invoice number, PO number, order ID, and description.
- Customer Email = enter your customer's email address to automatically send them a receipt
- Merchant Email = enter your email address to receive a copy of the receipt
- Click Process Charge to finish or Clear to cancel
New Order
Use New Order for transactions where you need to capture extra information like line items, tax/discounts, different shipping address, and saved customers.
Start completing the Order tab. Add an invoice number, PO number, and/or Order ID number. This information is only needed if it is a helpful cross reference for you or your customer.
Only check the box next to Line Items On if you want to show a breakdown of the subtotal. Once enabled, you can select items pre-loaded into your customer database or you can create custom items within the order. Don't forget to specify if the item is taxable or not. If you have line items on, the subtotal is automatically calculated.
Add other optional fees.
- Subtotal = if line items are off, use this field to enter the base amount of your sale before discounts, shipping, and tax
- (Optional) Discount = click Add Discount and enter the discount in dollar or in percentage format.
- (Optional) Shipping = click Add Shipping and enter the dollar amount.
- (Optional) Sales tax = click Add Tax and enter the tax amount in dollar or in percentage format.
Note: To automatically calculate tax, click the Order Form Settings button in the upper right corner of the form and go to Tax. Check the box next to Calculate tax on orders and enter your local sales tax rate. Don't forget to save your changes. You can also specify if you want to apply discounts before or after tax.
Click Next to continue to the Customer tab.
If this is a returning customer already saved in the database, use search to pull up their record and pre-populate fields. Otherwise, enter as much information as possible. If this is a new customer, check the box to save them to the database making their next sale go much faster.
Click Next to continue to the Payment tab.
If this is a returning customer, you can use one of their saved payment methods. If this is a new customer or you just need to add a new payment method, select the appropriate payment method and complete all required fields.
Click Process to finish.