If you are speaking with your customer’s bank, they may give you an approval code for the transaction over the phone. This 6-digit alphanumeric code is assigned by the card-issuing bank and identifies approval for a specific authorization request. It creates a pending transaction that reserves funds for you but you still have to enter it into the payment gateway to charge the customer’s card.
- Click here to access the payment gateway.
- Go to the vTerminal tab but use the PostAuth tab on the far left to enter the transaction. Do not use the Sale tab as the system will generate a new authorization code creating an additional pending transaction that is not pre-authorized by the card-issuing bank so most likely will not get approved.
- Complete all fields on the screen making sure to enter the 6-digit code you received from the bank in the Authorization Code field.
- Click the Post Charge button. Once approved, the transaction will be added to your current batch for settlement.