Follow these instructions to successfully connect the Vega 3000 to the Device Manager in USAePay so you can process payments in the merchant console or via a third party integration.
Connect Wi-Fi or Ethernet
How to connect to Wi-Fi:
- Turn on the device and wait for it to boot up
- Hold down the 9-key on the device until it beeps twice
- When the Main Menu appears, select 1 Settings
- Select 2 Manage Wi-Fi
- Select the number of the network you wish to use (If your network does not appear, press the red X button to go back and select 3 Rescan Wi-Fi)
- Enter your password (Your network must be secured with a password for this device. An open guest WIFI network with no password will not work.)
How to set up Ethernet:
- Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the back of the device
- Connect the other end of the cable to the wall
Add the device to USAePay
Create a source key:
- Log into USAePay
- Go to Settings > API Keys in the left sidebar
- Click Add API Key
- Name = create a source name (example - Vega 3000)
- PIN = create a unique alphanumeric PIN
- Click Save in the lower right corner
Register the device:
- Go to Settings > Device Manager in the left sidebar
- Click Add
- Device Name = create a source name (example - Vega 3000)
- Search for Source Kay = use the dropdown to select the key you just created
- Terminal Type = Standalone
- Click Register
- A six-digit pairing code will display on the screen
How to pair the device to the Device Manager:
- The screen on your Vega 3000 should say Enter Pairing Code
- Use the keys on the device to type in the six-digit pairing code from USAePay
- Once connected, you should see the Welcome screen
Configure settings in USAePay
- Go back to the Device Manager in USAePay
- Click on the device to open the Device Options screen
- Make sure Enable EMV and Contactless are checked (unless you purchased an EMV only device)
- Make sure Enable Debit MSR and Enable Tip Adjustment are unchecked
- Check the box next to Update Notifications to receive alerts on the device when updates are available that you can run from the device. If unchecked, no notifications are sent. You will only see pending updates by accessing the Device Manager and you must login to send an update to the device.
- Auto-print will automatically print paper receipts after every approved transactions. Uncheck the box to disable this feature if you are not going to distribute paper receipts.
- Click Save
Access settings on the device
How to access the Main Menu:
- Hold down the 9-key until it beeps twice
- Select 1 for Settings to change the connection type, change Wi-Fi networks, switch to sandbox mode, turn off keypad sounds, unpair the device.
- Select 2 Device Information to locate the mode, build, deployment, device, and Wi-Fi network. This information may be requested for support cases.
- Select 3 to Check for Update to check for any pending updates you may have missed. If you select this option and the device reverts to the Main Menu, there are no pending updates to run.